It’s been a bumpy ride for our monthly meetings ever since COVID hit. Rules changed often which made it a challenge to hold our meetings.
Fortunately the Dutch government announced further easing of restrictions for horeca and meeting in person. Per 25th of February all restrictions to opening hours for bars, the corona check (3G) for locations under 500 people, the 1,5 meter distance rule, wearing a mouth mask when not seated, and the maximum amount of visitors to a bar/fixed seating rules will be let go.
This means that we are going to start meeting again! The first of these meetings is Tuesday March 8th at 20:00 at Foeders. Nice little fact: this meeting is also the Foebar 4 year anniversary! Going forward we will meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month at Foeders unless stated otherwise.
For those that have not attended any of our meetings: we are an open for all homebrew group. Everyone that is interested in homebrewing is welcome to join us. If you have any homebrew to bring you are welcome to bring it along. Come and say hi!
It may go without saying but please do be mindful / careful as Corona is not going anywhere soon. If you are not feeling well or have been in close contact with someone that has corona we ask you to stay home.
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