Welcome to FOEBAR, an international homebrew group based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We are a group of beer enthusiasts and homebrewers that love to be social. Our club is informal and open for anyone to join, from beginners that want to get into homebrewing beer to experienced professionals.
We meet monthly to gather and share knowledge. We take our homebrew beers to get feedback and learn. Finally we talk about beer, or anything else.
Joining our group is easy. Just turn up to a meeting or sign up for the email list. There’s no fee or qualification required. The group has no committee and is self organising so members make whatever contribution suits them.
A short history
Our story begins on the evening on March 13th 2018. The landlord of Foeders bar, Yuri, invited some patrons he knew were into homebrewing. The picture you see above was taken at this very meeting.
The people attending that evening decided to make this a monthly thing, and during our June meeting we decide that it was time to take the next step: establish ourselves as a homebrew group. We believe that makes us the second officially established homebrew group in Amsterdam, next to our Dutch speaking brethren at De Bierkaai. And by established we mean you can find us through Google, and not by excavating Facebook events or Meetup.com.
The name FOEBAR is a reference to these origins. Foeders Brewers Amsterdam Region.
Our Manifesto
We wanted to strike a balance between little rules and some structure required to have a group. We ended up with this manifesto of simple rules that establish who we are as a group:
- We are an international group, so we communicate in English
- We are an open group, all that want to join us can. You don’t need any knowledge or credentials. You can join us once, or every time
- We do not have an annual contribution model, there are never any strings attached to joining us
- Members contribute when they want, what they want, and if they want
- There are no roles or hierarchies in this group
- We meet once a month. The meetings are open for all and revolve around tasting beer + feedback + friendship
- We communicate through an email group. You can join this email group here!